Study on Home Adaptation for Russian-Speaking People with Disabilities

Study on Home Adaptation for Russian-Speaking People with Disabilities

In 2023, we conducted a study titled “Participation and Experience of Russian-Speaking People with Disabilities in the Implementation of Measure 2.5 Activities ‘Physical Adaptation of Housing for Disabled People’ from the 2014-2020 ESIF Operational Program.” The study was prompted by the issue that people with disabilities, particularly those from non-native language groups, may not receive timely information about the support they need due to various barriers (inadequate communication, limited digital skills, information materials not adapted for people with disabilities). The goal of the study is to understand the experiences of Russian-speaking individuals with disabilities in participating (or not participating) in the home adaptation activities of Measure 2.5.2 “Physical Adaptation of Housing for Disabled People” and to formulate recommendations for designing similar measures in the future to improve participation opportunities for this target group.

In summary, the measure generally achieved its goal and enabled significant home adaptations for people with disabilities, facilitating independent mobility, hygiene, or other daily activities. Understanding the conditions of the measure and applying for support typically involved assistance from a family member for people with disabilities. Much also depended on the cooperation and engagement of local government specialists. If supported during the process, an individual’s assessment of the application process’s convenience and clarity could be positive, but interviews suggest that many people with disabilities could not manage the application process independently.

The findings and recommendations of the study can be accessed in our final report, available HERE.

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