Haap Consulting conducted a study for the Unemployment Insurance Fund that focused on its central service, the employment mediation service. The study addressed not only the job placement service of the Unemployment Insurance Fund but also automatic matching, targeted searches, job and career fairs, recruitment days, and employer information day services.
The aim of the study was to analyze employers’ attitudes and desires regarding the use of and the effectiveness of the employment mediation service. We wanted to understand how companies evaluate the Unemployment Insurance Fund’s employment service compared to other recruitment solutions and what their expectations and needs are in recruitment. Thus, the study addressed employers’ assessments of the advantages and disadvantages of the Unemployment Insurance Fund’s employment service. The analysis also reflected employers’ opinions on candidates’ motivation and readiness to start work, their attitude towards disclosing salaries in job postings, and the extent of employers’ interest in offering jobs via the Unemployment Insurance Fund on a basis other than an employment contract.
The study focused on the following research questions:
- What do employers think of the Unemployment Insurance Fund’s employment mediation service?
- How do employers assess the motivation and readiness of candidates mediated by the Unemployment Insurance Fund to start work?
- How do employers feel about the requirement to disclose salaries in job postings?
- Do employers wish to post more common employment relationship (employment contract, contract for services, etc.) job offers through the Unemployment Insurance Fund or also offers for cooperation on other bases (leasing, subcontracting offers, etc.)?
- What are employers’ expectations and possibilities for successful cooperation with the Unemployment Insurance Fund and in what ways could the Unemployment Insurance Fund further support employers in recruitment?
- How to develop the employment mediation service to better meet the needs of employers and be more effective?
During the study, we conducted 31 interviews with profiles shown in the following figure.

As a result of the analysis, recommendations were made for the development of the employment service to better meet the needs of employers. More details about the recommendations can be found in our final report, which is available on the Unemployment Insurance Fund’s website.