Applying for the Estonian Innovation Voucher

Applying for the Estonian Innovation Voucher

The Innovation Voucher is one of the smallest support measures offered by the joint establishment of EAS and KredEx, with a support rate of up to 7500 euros and requiring a 20% self-financing contribution. The main task of the voucher is to promote the development of innovative solutions by encouraging entrepreneurs to collaborate with research institutions, experimental laboratories, or intellectual property experts. This collaboration enables the testing of new materials, the acquisition of knowledge related to technological feasibility, and the conducting of research.

Although it is a small grant, we believe it is a very good support measure to start with when applying for support for the first time, as it is relatively easy to receive a positive support decision here. It is also a measure that allows the initial activities of a startup, such as prototyping and intellectual property protection, to be undertaken. One important thing to remember here is that the minimum duration of the innovation voucher is four months, meaning that costs incurred before this period cannot be reimbursed.

The founders of Haap Consulting are also entrepreneurs, and we have applied for the innovation voucher twice for our own company, Wemel Wood. Wemel Wood has introduced the world’s first series of thermally treated wood switches, frames, and sockets, which are fully recyclable and environmentally friendly. Thus, the company’s goal is to reduce the use of plastic in this product line.

With two Innovation Voucher projects, the Wemel Wood team has:

  1. Conducted initial prototyping of products in collaboration with the EWERS Wood Processing and Furniture Production Competence Center.
  2. Carried out product conformity assessments and submitted an initial application for intellectual property protection.

Thus, the innovation voucher has been a very useful tool for Wemel Wood’s team to cover initial development costs. The Innovation Voucher is not suitable for every project, but it is a good initial support measure, which, if successful, can gradually lead to larger support measures.

If you need help or advice on applying for an innovation voucher, write to

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